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Pengguna dengan 0 suntingan. Akun dibuat pada 29 Agustus 2023.
22 Januari 2011
- 06.0622 Januari 2011 06.06 béda juj −5 Citakan:Block center remove default: will never be invoked, because of surrounding if
18 Oktober 2010
- 18.2118 Oktober 2010 18.21 béda juj 0 m Citakan:Block center Template:Float center moved to Template:Block center: "Float center" is a dreadful name. Inline text flows around floats.
24 Juni 2010
- 09.4924 Juni 2010 09.49 béda juj 0 m Citakan:Center Protected "Template:Center": High traffic page: 20000 uses ([edit=sysop] (indefinite) [move=sysop] (indefinite))
- 09.4924 Juni 2010 09.49 béda juj 0 m Citakan:Sc Protected "Template:Sc": High traffic page: 27000 uses ([edit=sysop] (indefinite) [move=sysop] (indefinite))
18 Pébruari 2010
- 06.0318 Pébruari 2010 06.03 béda juj 0 m Citakan:Block center Template:Float-center moved to Template:Float center: Requested move, for consistency with {{float left}} and {{float right}}
24 Désémber 2009
- 06.5124 Désémber 2009 06.51 béda juj +2.193 A MédiaWiki:Proofreadpage index template revert self; looked better on some pages, worse on others.
27 Nopémber 2009
- 20.0827 Nopémber 2009 20.08 béda juj −719 Citakan:Block center brutally hacking out line break info—this has nothing to do with this particular template? Revert me if I've missed something here.
- 20.0127 Nopémber 2009 20.01 béda juj −44 Citakan:Block center yep, good. but don't assume text is left-aligned: you can float-center right-aligned text.
- 18.2827 Nopémber 2009 18.28 béda juj +1 Citakan:Block center line spacing issue
19 Nopémber 2009
- 19.0419 Nopémber 2009 19.04 béda juj +1 Citakan:Xx-larger remove spurious carriage return; this was breaking pages.
2 Nopémber 2009
- 20.102 Nopémber 2009 20.10 béda juj −145 Citakan:Block center -
- 20.102 Nopémber 2009 20.10 béda juj −1 Citakan:Block center -cr
1 Nopémber 2009
- 20.221 Nopémber 2009 20.22 béda juj −165 Citakan:Block center The principled version was wrapping when it oughtn't. This is a hideous hack with the one critical merit of doing what it ought.
22 Oktober 2009
- 20.4722 Oktober 2009 20.47 béda juj 0 Citakan:Gap less
- 20.2422 Oktober 2009 20.24 béda juj +128 Citakan:Gap real example
- 20.1722 Oktober 2009 20.17 béda juj +8 Citakan:Gap aha
- 20.1022 Oktober 2009 20.10 béda juj −24 Citakan:Gap frigging trailing cr
- 20.0722 Oktober 2009 20.07 béda juj −11 Citakan:Gap ugh
- 20.0722 Oktober 2009 20.07 béda juj +25 Citakan:Gap fix?
- 20.0622 Oktober 2009 20.06 béda juj −13 Citakan:Gap fix?
- 20.0522 Oktober 2009 20.05 béda juj +370 A Citakan:Gap new
28 Oktober 2008
- 12.1328 Oktober 2008 12.13 béda juj −1 Citakan:Center -cr
21 Oktober 2008
- 07.2321 Oktober 2008 07.23 béda juj +2 Citakan:Center div needs to go on a separate line
6 Oktober 2008
- 20.236 Oktober 2008 20.23 béda juj +38 Citakan:Center Category:Special Effects Templates
- 20.206 Oktober 2008 20.20 béda juj +11 Citakan:Center style="text-align:center"; align="center" is deprecated
5 Oktober 2008
- 12.405 Oktober 2008 12.40 béda juj +90 A Citakan:Center new